Face to Face
Mondays: 9-11 AM; 12-4 PM
Tuesdays: 11 AM-3 PM
Wednesdays: 9-11 AM; 2-4 PM
Thursdays: 11 AM-3 PM
Fridays: 9-11 AM; 12-1 PM
Mondays: 6-8 PM
Wednesdays: 6-8 PM
Thursdays: 6-8 PM
Book Now! Appointments Available 5 Days A Week!
Book Now! Appointments Available 5 Days A Week!
Book Now! Appointments Available 5 Days A Week!
We offer help to a wide range of writers, from freshman to graduate students to members of faculty and community. Our services include individual assistance at all stages of the writing process, including: brainstorming, discovering a thesis, organizing and developing and argument, sentence structure, documentation style, and resumes and letters of application.
We are excited to announce that we now offer online tutoring!
- Online tutorials will be conducted in real time via WCONLINE. Your computer must also have microphone and speaker capabilities so that you can speak to and hear the tutor.
- Appointments are available during regular Writing Center business hours on a first come, first served basis.
- To make an appointment, go to the WCONLINE website to create an account and schedule your appointment.
For more information about the Susan Allen Ford Writing Center, please contact the School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at (662) 846-4060 or Dr. Judith Coleman at jccoleman@lcsgxgy.com.
First Time Users
First time users of the Writing Center’s online portal will need to register a new account with WCONLINE using their OkraMail account.
Current Staff:
Dr. Judith Coleman, Director
Ella Koranteng
Baylie Rice
Ashlyn Upchurch